Think I am just thinking.

Words are but thoughts made visible.

Bull Riders; Brave or just a little Crazy

 The Mrs. and I went to a down-to-earth Rodeo Bull Riding event last weekend.  What we saw was a production of the Professional Rodeo Circuit which was a well run 3 hour production with a host of true athlete’s risking life and limb (literally) in a calculated gamble to stay on the back of a twelve hundred pound plus animal that really did not appear to want to be ridden. \"Ridem Cowboy!\"

  Obviously you do have to be in really good shape to even consider doing something as hard as riding a bull.  For one thing, you need to be in the best shape possible, so that when your done, you’re still approaching something similar to what most consider being in good health.  Or, at least having a good shot at it.  Having watched two riders being hand carried off the arena, one of which was not to return even-though he had enough points to do so, and another one or two who didn’t walk off standing as straight as when they first walked in, I must say a person does start to question the real sanity of anyone willing to do this.

   OK, there was the one rider who has a career total winning of just over 3.5 million dollars.  But, personal I think you would stand a better chance at the dollar slot machines in Los Vegas.   Well, at least you stand a better chance of walking away without being carried.   The bulls on the other hand, seemed to be faring much better through out the night.  Overall, I would have to rate the Bulls (40), Cowboys (17).  Sounds like a football game doesn’t it?

   The other thing we could not help but notice was who some of the sponsors for the event were.  One which surprised us was a major brand of chewing tobacco.  They even had tall blond chewing tobacco (brand name left out) model girls at the event to help promote the product.  Funny thing though, I never saw even one of the girls take a chew? I see an Ouch in his future.

   You do have to admire the undaunting bravery or perhaps lack of the other “B” word (  hint, sounds like rain ) contained within each of those young men.  Seriously, the  bottom line is the event was a very entertaining event, to which I would not hesitate bringing a younger member of the family to see.  Though there were jokes made by the Rodeo Clown, they were all clean and yet very funny to everyone in the audience. 


So, if you get a chance to go see some really Brave and yet somewhat Crazy group of young men, jump on the back of a huge wilder-beast looking animal, and try to ride the thing for over seven or eight seconds, please do not hesitate doing so.  I highly recommend it. 

Ride’m Cowboy!!!!! 

Yee Haaaaaaaaaa    

Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

April 15, 2008 Posted by | thinking, thoughts, Words | , , , | Leave a comment